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This conscious connected breathing workshop offers a variety of breathing techniques whilst gaining an understanding of the latest science on how we can upgrade our breathing and nervous system for optimum health. Providing a deep understanding of the impact the way we breathe has on every aspect of our lives – mentally, physically and emotionally.

We will be exploring breathing techniques to take away and use throughout the day to change our mental and physical states in a positive way and regain balance.

Conscious breathing keeps us connected with our body and mind so we are more able to listen the messages and alerts being sent via the brain to the body and the nervous system.

This can help you let go of unhealthy breathing habits, such as shallow breathing, have a deeper understanding of breath patterns and release both physical and emotional tension from the body. This can dramatically shift the way you feel in your body and bring higher states of awareness

The session will be covering :

– Understanding breathing patterns

– Effective and easy-to-use tools to improve our respiratory system

– How the way people breathe affects their physiology – ways to aid sleep, alleviate stress and anxiety levels, increase mental focus, boost cardiovascular system, energy levels and physical performance.


Please bring your own mat, bottle of water, a pillow or cushion and a small blanket due to regulations.

Please consult your medical practitioner to ensure deep breathing techniques are suitable for you. If you suffer from epilepsy, heart problems, psychological conditions such as high anxiety, bipolar, personality disorder this may not be suitable and we ask for you to contact Rebecca first. If you are seeing a psychiatrist we request their consent for you to attend the class to email rebecca@breathingtree.co.uk.

We ask all participants to read and sign the medical disclaimer before attending.