A very special experience in a gorgeous environment.

Thank you so much for yesterday Rebecca! I am still processing, but it was a very special experience in a gorgeous environment. Thank you also for somehow being able to make me feel safe, and having the intuition to know when to push and when not – a VERY rare skill! Thank you 🙏.

‘Just wanted to say a huge thank you…’

I’m sure you get tons of messages every day, but I just wanted to reach out and thank you, I listen to your alleviate anxiety daily and last night I was starting with an anxiety attack and I laid down and told myself it was just energy and I followed your breathing exercises, I managed to stop the anxiety attack before anything really happened. I have only been struggling with anxiety since July and mine is very hormonal so I am still figuring out the best way to do things, so I just wanted to say a huge, thank you as that for me was a big success last night! 💖

Rebecca’s book offers beautiful breathwork exercise and real insight to connecting to our true self.

I bought this in the pandemic as someone on the frontline and it helped me immensely. So much that i have decided to train myself. So inspired by Rebecca and her story. This audiobook benefitted my menral health immeasurably!

R. Oakley, Customer

‘Since discovering conscious breathwork over nine months ago, it has become a daily part of my wellbeing routine, which has led to transformation in many aspects of my life since.’

Since childhood, I have struggled with low self-worth which kept me feeling small, stuck and powerless to make changes throughout much of my life. Practising this technique on a regular basis has given me the clarity, courage and strength to take ownership to create an expanded life which now feels vibrant and purposeful. Today, I feel awake, alive and more like my true self than ever.

My first encounter with breathwork was through a group workshop led by Rebecca. As a yogi, I was intrigued by this technique as breathwork is one of my favourite aspecst of the yoga practise 
Transformational Breath opened up a WHOLE new world of inner connection!

Within minutes, I connected deeply with this powerful technique during the first session. I felt years of bottled-up feelings and stress release from my body. I sobbed throughout the session, yet I felt absolutely safe and nurtured by the support I received from the breath facilitators who were so competent at reading my body and responding to its needs with touch and affirmations.

This was the first space that I ever truly felt comfortable enough to let go and truly surrender; like so many of us, I shrink or hide parts of myself to appease others, it was liberating to remove the mask. I felt like my wounded childhood self was being cared for and this was exactly what I needed to heal and start to move forward. Each session helped me to understanding patterns of behaviour and situations in my life which kept me feeling stagnant.

I gradually learned how to embrace and love all aspects of myself and let go of the blame stories I’d so desperately clung to and had made an identity out of. I made peace with myself, made decisions based on my intuition and began to feel at ease in myself for the very first time. I was now able to write a new story for myself

This month I leave my secure, yet stagnant job of eight years to share my passions: yoga and the wellbeing of young people to create my new venture ‘Yoga Seedlings’ – promoting yoga as a way of life from a young age. Breathwork reconnected me to myself and my powers – allowing me the clarity to see my potential and purpose to develop my best contribution to the world. Breathwork gave me access to my superpowers!

Rebecca is an exceptional facilitator of breathwork, profoundly knowledgeable and kind. I will be eternally grateful for the addition of this method in my wellness toolkit and for being so caringly guided on numerous sessions through the layers of release which eventually brought me home to ME.

Amy Vaughan www.yogaseedlings.com

‘Oh Breathing Tree, you beauty, you did it again. Thank you, thank you, thank you.’

For me this workshop was even more transformational than the last.

I don’t know what I love most about conscious breathing:

The release
The mantras
The soundwork from the amazing Leo Cosendai
The way each and every facilitator is so very competent at reading the body
The community
The fact that almost everyone leaves having experienced a shift; a different person than the one that walked in.
The expansive way I feel after 3 hours of exquisite breathwork… I could go on…

As a practitioner whose work is based around helping others find their growth, I am so glad I found this for me.

@ihealprocess on Instagram, Client

‘Words will never accurately describe what I have gained from Transformational Breath and I can only offer real gratitude to all those who spend their days teaching this incredible practice.’

I felt years worth of trapped emotions leaving my body, I cried a lot, in the most healing way imaginable, I felt like a child that was cared for and that I was safe in this world finally, something that was absent from my childhood. I hadn’t cried in years before I started working with Rebecca but have since really grieved my childhood in ways that have allowed me to heal and move on. Something I can confidently say would not have happened had I not been working with this method. I will be eternally grateful for this method and for being so caringly guided on numerous sessions through the trauma and depression I was carrying on my shoulders. Words will never accurately describe what I have gained from Transformational Breath and I can only offer real gratitude to all those who spend their days teaching this incredible practice.

Dan, Client

Nearly a year on, I feel almost like a different version of myself.

This time last year, I was so lost to myself, something needed to give. It didn’t look like rock bottom to anyone else after all the years of external upheaval but inside it was. Frazzled from years of trauma, stress, anxiety etc. desperately spinning the wheels to keep the show on the road and hating on myself constantly. I didn’t know which fire to put out first. 12th July was the start of something shifting though. I remember the date as something else happened that day and on the way to work, I had listened to Fearne’s podcast with you. My intuition urged me to look you up and so I did.

Nearly a year on, I feel almost like a different version of myself. Still very much a work in progress but in such a better place. With the breathwork, I have been able to put down some heavy baggage and find compassion for myself where there wasn’t any. And now little sparks of light, peace and permission to be a version of myself that perhaps I was always meant to be, exist instead. I trusted and liked you from the moment we met and I’m so grateful for the space you have held for me and your wisdom. And so, I’m very happy to give some of my time and knowledge in return. It feels like good reciprocity!

Rachael, Client

You are a lighthouse Rebecca!

Thank you for today’s breath session. I’ve been revisiting old stuff that is familiar and visiting old stuff for the first time – past history to do with my mother and her family – and mine. Many untimely deaths. Distorted survival (refugee lives). Long story. So I have been having lots of thoughts and thought dreams, hard to describe really because it’s not mechanical thinking. More like a lake stirring and giving up its secrets. Maybe that makes sense. It feels like a relief and an awakening, or many reliefs and awakenings. I think you work a kind of magic as well as being incredibly knowledgeable – it’s a wonderful thing to be so well informed and so intuitive at the same time. I often see people sacrificing the one for the other so when they combine it’s like a perfect song.

First time in 2 months I have allowed the tears and embraced myself. Didn’t realize I had so much stored up. Thank you. My jaw, diaphragm and solar plex thank you too. Those are my tight spots that form my wall of protection and they needed to be broken down and hugged-loved-accepted and released. You are a lighthouse Rebecca!

Melanie, Client

Doing your breathing exercises is making an enormous difference to my life

I just wanted to write and tell you what a difference your podcast is making to me. I’ve suffered with anxiety on and off for most of my adult life but not for some time. However the recent lockdown has brought the most intense anxiety I’ve ever experienced. I have two young children so I don’t get a huge amount of time to myself. Doing your breathing exercises is making an enormous difference to my life, I feel like I have something I can rely on to help me cope. Thank you so much. It’s such a wonderful thing to do – to give these resources to people for free. Thank you thank you – what a difference you’re making.

I have just done the deep release and felt almost tearful with relief! Just gorgeous!

Stephanie, Follower

Thank you!

Hi Rebecca,
Just to let you know I got your book ‘ Let it go’ and it’s taught me more in the first chapter about why my body is reacting as it does, than anything I’ve read before. (And I read and research a lot). Thank you, as I am finally understanding why I have had such chronic pain along with trauma.

This is an amazing audiobook, which is a guidebook that shows us how to properly use the breath in our everyday lives, to heal and calm us and help us to be more healthy.

This little treasure chest is full of meditations and information which will guide you to be the best you can be. Rebecca is superb and she has a very calming voice, which helped me to relax while I was listening to her. I really enjoyed learning all about the breath and how we can use it to calm anxiety, relieve stress, release anger, express our emotions, relieve pain, uplift our mood and be more mindful and present in our daily lives. I just loved this book so much. It contains lots of useful and interesting information and it helped me a lot. I have asthma and the meditations helped me with this. They also helped me to relieve some stress and grief that I was feeling. I highly recommend this book!

C. Craig, Client

‘She’s taught me loads about how to breathe generally, how to stop anxiety and stress, and just the magic that can be created with breathing in a certain way.

You may be thinking, “but I know how to breathe already, Fearne.”  Yes, I hear you, but not until you have met Rebecca Dennis will you truly understand the potency of breathing correctly.

Fearne Cotton, TV Presenter

‘From the very early stages, the breathing technique and Rebecca’s facilitation helped me go much deeper into myself and find silence.’

I found I was clearing out my mind and seeing things more clearly and more effectively than with meditation.

For six months, going to Rebecca’s facilitated breathing sessions weekly and practicing daily were the only treatment that eased the pressure and pain in my jaw following a bad ski accident, and have led to a faster recovery from the severe concussion I sustained. Most importantly though, over the last six months I have become more present in living now, learned to listen to my mind and body more and change my energy. I am much calmer and less stressed, and several people have recognised the change in my energy and the calmness I exude.

As a facilitator, Rebecca is exceptional. She starts each session by patiently listening to your description of how you feel and how life is. We then agree on what we need to work on for that session for example, letting go or accepting one self as we are. But most striking is that often Rebecca will just let the body and the breathing take us to where we need to work. She has a unique skill to hear what I am really saying but not voicing and what my body needs.

Over these six months she has also helped me build my own daily practice, which is incredibly generous and empowering.

Priyanka, Client

‘It’s difficult to believe that these positive shifts could be attributed to using a specific breathing technique.’

But the connection is undeniable. I’m well aware that there will be many more occasions in my life when things won’t go my way, but I will turn to transformational breath to support me. I still do believe that with hard-work I can ‘have it all’, but my concept of having-it-all is certainly a little different now. And with the freedom I’ve gained from transformational breath, I realise that it doesn’t have to be so much of a struggle.

Kim, Client

‘If it wasn’t for Rebecca’s work and the discovery of the breathing tree I don’t know where’d I’d be, I’ve finally found myself back on my feet and making strong progress with all my problems, nothing seems like a challenge anymore thanks to the help of Rebecca’.

The breathing is now a commonly use of mine as I would now lay in bed every night breathing for about 5 or 10 minutes and would help me get to sleep better as well. As well as at night I would also use this method if I was stressed or worried, I would simply lie down and start to breathe the way Rebecca taught me and that was a way I could escape all my worries.

Gaia, Client

‘I can only describe the work as life-changing and cannot recommend it highly enough.’

‘When I decided to have one-to-one sessions with Rebecca, every session brought up traumatic memories that have been stored in my body without my knowledge. Within the safety of Rebecca’s care, I was able to engage with these memories safely without experiencing distress or discomfort. The change in my moods, appearance, physicality and over all demeanour was tangible not just to me, but to everybody around me.  I can only describe the work as life-changing and cannot recommend it highly enough.

Lexi, Client

Thank you so so much for your generosity in giving me space on your breath workshop.

I found your podcasts on Spotify and have been doing a couple of them a day. As well as the wim Hoff app.

I have a condition called ehlers danlos

It causes sublaxations and dislocations of various join us as it affects collagen and fascia.

I struggle with pain and have done for years. My jaw has not been working properly for agae and with just 9 days of breathing practice it’s 50 % better already.

I bought your book yesterday and I’m looking forward to expanding my awareness, my lungs,my consciousness and light

Thank you so so much for your generosity in giving me space on your breath workshop. I’m hooked and feel like a completely different person after!

Ive had both kids at home today and they have been on a rampage and i felt so worked up before, but am a totally zen mama now. I guess with lockdown and the job i do i gotta cut me some slack. I have struggled with anxiety for a long time and self medicated in my 20’s but don’t have so many crutches now.

Tina, Client

Thank you Rebecca for all your lovely Breathing sessions, podcasts and instagram posts.

I have had anxiety’ and had a complete breakdown last June. I am much better now and the breathwork that I was able to access from your book and website really helped me to heal.

Just wanted to say how much I appreciate the Breathing circles on a Friday and podcasts. They really have made such a difference to my life.

During this hectic stressful time (I am a senior nurse and have been homeschooling my 11 and 9 year old) I have felt supported by being able to participate in the breathing sessions.

Thank you Rebecca for all your lovely Breathing sessions, podcasts and instagram posts.

Tracey, Follower

Feeling safe. Allowing someone to hold space for you. These things are not to be underrated.

A HUGE Thank you to the amazing Breathe Coach Rebecca Dennis and Shaman Kurikindi and the amazing facilitators Jesse Laute, Leigh Jones and Harika Pekinel for allowing me feel safe to let go.

The last year has been intensely and incredibly hard and the last week especially difficult. I’ve been running on auto-pilot. Continuing to hold things together whilst grieving and juggling so many other challenges.

Today was about letting go and allowing myself to be in my body and heal. It’s incredibly easy to put on a smile for the world and ‘keep calm and carry on.’ I’m a genius at it. Born that way. Meanwhile, our body stores our grief and pain.

Since my dad passed, I’ve had enormous pain in my ribs and lungs, back, shoulders and neck but no amount of self-medicating, massage or painkillers have helped. I’ve not felt safe to express my pain in the company of others. I’ve always been my own healer.

Today was about allowing the breath to work its magic. You see, our bodies, our breath are perfectly designed to help us heal if we allow it.

Not many people have witnessed me cry and I certainly would never break down in front of a roomful of strangers. I am the comforter not the one who is comforted. I’ve never felt safe to let go. Those tears were saved for the moment I opened my door to my home, my sanctuary in a place I felt safe.

But today..today…I cried, I released, I got out of my head and allowed myself to cry and cry and cry. I thought it would never end. It was like a valve was turned and my emotion poured out. It was witnessed. It was seen. It was honoured.

I don’t really have the words to describe how I feel but I share this to say that tears are not a sign of weakness but a sign that you love yourself enough to honour how you really feel and let it go. When we let go of our grief, our anger and our pain, we make room for beautiful things to grow.

Not everything needs to be Joy. The Joy is in the understanding that emotions are transient and we can move and work through them no matter how hard they seem.