Breathing Tree

About Breathing Tree

Rebecca Dennis is a published author, qualified Transformational Breath Facilitator and Workshop Leader. Rebecca runs retreats, workshops and 121 sessions at Indaba Yoga in London.

Slowing Down When The World Speeds Up

2023-04-17T15:43:04+00:00By |

Our lives are speeding up in so many ways and our bodies are simply not evolved to go at this pace. Attention spans are flitting in schools, on the streets and in our homes. The more information we receive, the more overloaded our brains ...

Addiction: Chasing Your Own Dragon

2024-04-25T09:36:18+00:00By |

I asked my dear friend Jambo Troung to share his knowledge and wisdom on trauma and addiction. I have had the privilege to train in anatomy and bodywork with Jambo who is a master of meditation, ceremony, Chinese medicine and guardian of Forrest ...

Four Suns Meditation

2021-01-04T18:06:21+00:00By |

This Four Suns Meditation is a powerful way to begin your day or if you need to get some balance and clear the mind.

Unravelling Trauma and Healing Through Breathwork with Jambo Truong

2020-05-13T19:56:59+00:00By |

Unravelling Trauma and Healing Through Breathwork with Jambo Truong International yoga and meditation teacher Jambo Truong, frequently travels the world teaching and training Forrest Yoga, Meditation, Functional Anatomy and Native practices of the Medicine People. He is also an experienced bodyworker and bodywork ...

Lunar Living : Working With The Magic Of The Moon Cycles

2020-05-13T19:55:18+00:00By |

Lunar Living : Working With The Magic Of The Moon Cycles During this podcast modern day moon mystic and internationally renowned yoga teacher Kirsty Gallagher will share with you the science and the magic behind how the moon affects our daily lives, and ...

Elif’s Story

2021-10-02T18:10:01+00:00By |

My dear friend and colleague, senior breath trainer and psychologist, Elif Clarke has shared here her story on how breathwork transformed her physical and mental well-being. Elif and I have travelled the world together teaching people how to breathe well and her joy for ...

Messages from the Ocean

2018-04-19T17:55:47+00:00By |

From melting glaciers to increasingly intense weather patterns, we know climate change has already had an impact on life on this planet. What some of us may not know, is that the Maldives is one of the first regions to face the consequences of ...

No More The Warrior

2020-12-16T06:08:34+00:00By |

My wonderful friend Donna Lancaster heads up The Bridge – a 5 day residential workshop designed to release grief and loss.

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