Breathwork and ADHD. Small daily practices can lead to prior shifts in your focus and mood.

Your autonomic nervous system (ANS) operates through two distinct gears: one that accelerates when responding to stress and another that puts the brakes on and invites relaxation. For both adults and children navigating the challenges of ADHD, this system can often feel like it’s on a rollercoaster ride. Generally, the mechanisms of stress and recharge are somewhat muted.

However, when the stress response is triggered in someone with ADHD, it revs up dramatically, creating a stark contrast to those without ADHD. To enhance cognitive function and temper impulsivity and hyperactivity, both facets of the ANS need to find their rhythm and harmony. Having ADHD can often make you feel tired but wired and you may notice that fatigue exacerbates your struggles with focus.

Integrating specific breathwork techniques can pave the way to achieving these objectives. The secret lies in establishing a daily practice that is both brief and uncomplicated. My website offers a selection of free guided exercises to help you get started.

Transformative changes occur within your body and mind when you consciously slow your breath to a rate of five or six full breaths per minute. Commit to this practice daily, gradually extending it from five to six minutes, and you’ll soon observe a remarkable improvement in your focus and mood. By engaging in slow, deep diaphragmatic breathing, your heart, lungs, and blood vessels function more effectively, ensuring a generous supply of oxygen reaches both your body’s tissues and your brain. This boost allows the areas responsible for tackling complex problems to operate more efficiently. Research indicates that such practices lead to significant shifts in brain-wave patterns, with an increase in healthy alpha waves and a reduction in sluggish delta waves. Those with ADHD often find themselves feeling calmer, making sounder decisions, and experiencing less frustration.