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With Jambo Truong & Rebecca Dennis


Friday 26th August

10am -5pm

Join leading breathwork experts Jambo and Rebecca and a team of breath facilitators in this rare opportunity for a one day explorative journey into breathwork. With over 40 years of experience between Rebecca and Jambo they will offer an abundance of knowledge, breathwork, deep inner work, up-to-date science of the respiratory system and it’s connection all the systems of the body. Samsara is beautiful a getaway retreat nestled in stunning Kent countryside and close to London.

This day is designed to take you on an inward journey with the breath providing effective methods for personal growth and healing to bring in calm and peaceful states as well as clarity and vitality. The breathwork techniques will enable you to manage daily challenges, emotional upheaval, expand your awareness and felt senses.

Have a deeper understanding of how you can transform the way you feel and think by changing the rhythms, depths and rates of your breath. Conscious breathwork is simple, yet deeply powerful. Prepare to arrive at new depths of insight and accelerate change in your life.

Conscious breathing keeps us connected with our body, heart and mind so we are more able to navigate the storms and listen to the messages within our body and nervous system.  This can help you let go of unhealthy breathing habits, such as shallow breathing and breath holding and have a deeper understanding of breath patterns whilst releasing both physical and emotional tension from the body. This can dramatically shift the way you feel in your body, connect to your intuition and authentic self and bring higher states of awareness

Benefits of improving your breathing:

  • Open your breath and expand your awareness
  • Feel more energised and revitalised
  • Let go of old emotions and gain a sense of freedom
  • Release anxiety and alleviate depression
  • Develop a strong connection with your true self
  • Cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and others
  • Become aware of emotions halting your emotional growth
  • Develop a new dimension to your yoga practice

Price £120

Just 14 spaces

TO BOOK EMAIL: rebecca@breathingtree.co.uk